Tuesday 19 March 2013

Nothing changes: Reading survival strategy included defeat at Old Trafford - Mirror.co.uk

Defeat at Manchester United, coupled with Aston Villa's win over QPR, has left Reading seven points adrift of safety.

But Dolan, in charge for one game following Brian McDermott's sacking, said that scenario had not changed Reading's view of what they must do to survive.

Asked about Villa pulling clear, Dolan said: "Realistically we expected that. We've targeted the games to win and we've got to win them. It's very simple.

"I spoke to Brian, not about the game, because that wouldn't be right. But I texted him this morning and he texted me back, so we're in touch and we always will be because we're friends.

Dolan said he had not been involved in talks to find ­Reading's new boss but added: "Not so far, but I'm sure I will be next week. They just left me to get on with this difficult task."

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