Thursday, 21 March 2013

March Insanity Puns: ESPN Hits Tumblr With The Style Of A Grown-up Swim Show

In a go on to interest hep-cats and cool-dudes, ESPN has gone ahead and presented a comedy-oriented Tumblr page. Either that, or there actually is anything called aStarch Madness.a Wow, they're actually getting this phony site joke critically, and treating Tumblr like a Friday evening open mic. Different featured stories include March Dadness, which is really just a image of a Dad keeping his daughter upside down (to illustrate the feeling of inspiration he felt when his staff got selected for the contest with a blood rush.) And a of Lebron and D-Wade driving a convertible under the sign a1973 Lakers Streak 10 Wins Ahead.a Other than that, they explain why they love sports: Amazement THINK THAT WHILE THERE ARE PLENTY OF BORING, FORGETTABLE THINGS IN THE WORLD, SPORTS ARE DEFINITELY NOT JUST ONE OF THESE. SPORTS ARE MAD. THEYaRE VOLATILE, STRIKING AND DRAMATIC. AND THATaS WHY WEaRE ALL SUCH BIG FANS.a Not sure what the path of this site is, but Iall venture a guess theyare not choosing aKenny Maneas fever dream.a The initial step is likely to be getting more material up, so that it isnat such a respect to aMarch Madnessa puns, Iam sure. Give it a look for yourself, if youare in the mood to be baffled. (Photographs Via ESPN, H/T Bad Saying)

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